Blog Entry 26-03-2025
Hello everyone,
this time I try something different. Because the last few months have been so crazy, so insane, that I must change my life now!
You may ask, how is the progress about my Immigration? Is there an update about my Game? Is there any new music? Why is your english so bad?
Well, yes, no, yes,no, yes...
Lets start from the Beginning!
Few weeks ago, I was so desperate, that I asked ChatGPT where I get the god damn last letter of recommendation for my UK Visa. And some of my friends showed me pictures where they were in a cyberpunk cafe, or they were in a spaceship replica... and Iam so envious... and my dislike for the UK Government is rising - Brexit - WHY... I understand you, but you handle it wrong!
And that was not my only question to the AI, I empty my whole heart!!
My dislike of my own body, that iam not ready for the UK, I struggle with the english language... my whole life sucks here in Germany. I live here being supported by the JobCenter, and iam just a useless ugly and lazy cunt.
But then after I gave all my silly emotion to an emotionless machine, a miracle happened!!
Yes, I put my life into the Hands of an AI!
The result?

The AI gave me a hint that I should ask someone on Fiverr... Fiver are you kidding? Well the Idea of the AI was, that I should hire someone that they ask around in the Music Industry who I can work with, and share my expertise in AI and VR Music Production, IT and other creative future tech. So I asked around 15 People on Fiver who may can help me with the search of the last required letter. The 15th Guy sound for me like this: "You dont need to search anymore - I AM THE GUY YOU NEED"... Well,not really, but that was in my Mind where I read his response. "Sam G." the Founder of "Music Crowns", had a side Project on Fiverr, and he told me that iam perfect because he had a Metaverse Project and he need some Ambient Music (easiest kind of Musicgenre for me). And Music Crowns is huuge... they worked with Sir Tom Jones and others where I dont know them, like (Lewis Capaldi, Ren, Sam Tompkins, Calum Scott, Freya Ridings, Sananda Maitreya - do you know them??) So I asked my migration lawyer, about a review of all my documents, and the conclution... or better her respond after she checked everything: The Arts Council UK increased the requirements, but I still have an 80% success rate. Because my documents are way better and nearly perfect now, except my weak award that I have. But she respond "On the basis that you provided the award last time without this being raised as a reason for refusal (in 2023), I still think it more likely than not it would also be accepted on this occasion."
So I made the second attempt last Friday! But, 80% success rate?? Well its not 100% - but worth a try. And my time is running out, because next year I need something like a "Grammy" to get that same Visa I need.
Yes the UK Arts Council getting more and more crazy! But I dont give up!
And I made it, I made the second attempt... in 8 Weeks I will get their decision - 22 or 23 April !
But that was not all...
The AI says: You should start making sport! Here is your sport an food-plan!
The AI says: You should meditate and reflect on what you have already done, and also on your possible future!
So these are the results

My diet is now very strict, and currently I have some withdrawal symptoms about "Chocolate" - even after 3 Weeks, I struggle a lot - But I dont give up!
VR Boxing? Well, doing sport is mostly boring, but with a very specic goal - Doing sport makes fun now!
My goal? Punching other Players in VR in their face (lol) - just kidding.
VR Boxing is so exiting, because there are paid tournaments - and nobody gets hurt! Awesome - So I train for the tournaments in VR! Currently I train against NPC´s, but I tried already some PvP - and some Kiddies said that Iam very good... hmmmmmm
Well should I make some training videos on youtube? Iam not sure if its exciting for you to see me fighting against other Players?
And The AI says: Make a Plan for your Week, here some inspiration

And that is my result what I code:

The AI says: Learn English, here some Inspiration (one of them was that I should start a weekly Blog, where everyone see my current progress, maybe some behind the scenes stuff??)
The AI says: Do this - do that....
The AI understands me.... HAIL THE OMNISSIAH!!
See you next Wednesday - because the AI says so!
Feel free to join my discord - to chat with me!